
Upper East Airport: I won’t contribute to the building of any airport, Dominic Ayine’s airport idea, very Extravagant —Hon. Tangoba


The former Upper East Regional Minister Madam. Tangoba Abayage has described Dr. Dominic Ayine’s idea for well-meaning personalities from the region to take up the responsibility by forming a company to construct the Regional Airport themselves as an extravagant idea. Apexnewsgh.com report

The former Upper East Regional Minister emphasized, that government cannot be blamed for the non-availability of the Upper East regional airport.

She added, that government is not the problem preventing the Upper East Region from getting their share of the airport which was one of the promises made by President Akufo Addo when he first took office. She pointed out that, the problem bedeviling the non-achievable regional airport is as a result of the disunity amongst the people of Upper East themselves over site location.

Dr. Ayine in an engagement with Apexnewsgh in October 2022 said, in making the Upper East Regional airport a reality, people of the region could construct it themselves by putting together a company that will allow citizens to buy shares in the company which will generate proceeds for the Regional airport construction.

“We could begin to think about putting together a company, letting our own citizens buy shares in the company and we use the proceed to construct the Airport, and those who bought shares in the company will be paid dividends if we make a profit and if it doesn’t make a profit you say well, you have contributed to the development of your region. This is not rocket science” He stressed

Meanwhile responding to Dr. Ayine’s idea, Hon. Tangoba said: “They know the reason why we don’t have an airport, they know is because we are fighting ourselves. Where we should situate the airport is our biggest problem, it has nothing to do with government”. She stressed

She said, in the past President Kufour will bring his jet and land it at the Paga airstrip, as she expressed dissatisfaction with the current stage, “it is even shameful to show someone that place is the region airstrip”

.“We are our own trouble, we don’t have to bring any millionaire to come and build an airport, it is the government’s duty to build the airport in the region. If I have money, I am not going to spend it on building an airport, I won’t contribute to any building of an airport”. She stressed

“The current Regional Minister is quoted to have said the government has finally agreed to settle at Anateem and I also read it on the net, whether true or false, the story says that is what the Regional Minister said.

“I don’t care where the government settled to build, we have delayed too much. At the time we had an airstrip where our plans were landing, Wa also had an airstrip and now Wa airstrip is a commercial airport. Upper West was curved out of Upper East Region.

“We wanted a piece of land for a regional hospital, WA gave a piece of land for a regional hospital but we couldn’t give a piece of land for the regional hospital. So, the metropolitan hospital in Bolgatanga is the same place they hard construct. What is wrong with us? Hon. Tangoba compared

The former Regional Minister spoke on Apexnewsgh.com’s flagship programme dubbed:’ on Wednesday, January 18, 2023.

Source: Apexnewsgh.com/Ghana

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Ngamegbulam C. S

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