The Ejura Committee set up to investigate the violence in Ejura-Sekyedumase has recommended that all crowd, riot, and crises control units should be made to wear bodycams when deployed.

Government has today published the full report of the three-member committee chaired by George Kingsley Koomson on the Ministry of Information website.

In a 55-page document, the committee has made 10 crucial recommendations it expects that government implement to avoid similar violent incident of the Ejura-Sekyedumase nature in the future.

Among the recommendations, the committee has stressed that “crowd /riot/crises control units be made to wear bodycams and all vehicles and mobile gadgets employed must also have cameras.”

According to the committee, its findings show that, the death of Mohammed Ibrahim aka “Kaaka” and the mishandling of same, was the trigger point for the riots that followed.

It adds that the maximum application of force worsened the situation.

Meanwhile, the committee says it hopes that the ongoing investigations into the death of “Kaaka” would be expedited and the culprit(s) brought to book to face the law.

Find below all 10 recommendations of the committee:


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