
UER: Collaborate with us to establish …- Wildlife to Traditional Authorities


The Regional Manager has, therefore, extended warmth invitation to Traditional Authorities in the nine political districts along the eastern wildlife corridors to collaborate with the Wildlife Division of the Forestry Commission to prevail on the government to establish an ecological park to rake in revenue for the development of their communities. Speaking in an interview, he further indicated that under the cooperative agreement signed between the Government of Ghana and the Government of Burkina Faso as well as best practice in the world of conservation the wild animals needs to be conserved and the only way out is to turn the menace of the elephants into economic gains.

He maintained that the six gazetted forest reserves in the corridor spanning Bawku, Bawku West, Binduri, Tempane, Zebilla, Nabdam, Talensi provides the ideal condition for foliage and reproduction hence the need to create space for them to co-exist with humans. Mr. Binlinla revealed that under the Sustainable Land and Water Management Project, the Forestry Commission through the Wildlife Division conducted a study dubbed the Northern Savannah Biodiversity Conservation Project funded by the Global Environment Facility of the World Bank from 2002-2008. The research looked into the pattern of movement of wild animals and identified specific routes called corridors in Northern Ghana namely the Eastern Wildlife Corridor and the Western Wildlife Corridor.

On the Eastern Wildlife corridor, the wildlife migrates from the Kaborentenba National Park in Burkina Faso through to the Upper East to the North-Eastern parts of the northern region stretching into Red Volta Valley far east into Forer’ d’e au olione in Togo. For the Western Wildlife Corridor, the wildlife moves from the Nasinga Game Ranch in Southern Burkina Faso to cross the border through the Upper West to the Mole National Park in the Savannah Region. Speaking in an interview, he observed the presence of the African Elephants can serve as a magnet to attract tourists to boost the local economy while conserving the elephants from going extinct.

Apexnewsgh.com/ Ghana/ Prosper Adankai

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Ngamegbulam C. S

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