Professor Kwesi Aning, a renowned security consultant, has opened up about the “hellish” eight years he endured under the Akufo-Addo administration. Apexnewsgh reports
In a candid interview on Starr FM in Accra, Professor Aning revealed the relentless intimidation and threats he faced, which significantly impacted his ability to express his security analysis freely.
He recounted how, in the past, he could speak and write without fear, but the last eight years had been a completely different story. “Nobody threatened to cut my salary, nobody threatened to call my former bosses to dismiss me,” he said, highlighting the stark contrast. “The last eight years have been hell for me, just for doing what I’ve been trained with the Ghanaian taxpayers’ money to do”.
Professor Aning shared that he faced intimidation tactics, including threats to his livelihood and attempts to discredit him. This was not his first time speaking out about the threats; in 2018, he disclosed receiving threatening messages related to his media commentary on security issues.
Despite the challenges, Professor Aning remains hopeful that the new administration will create a more conducive environment, allowing him to contribute to national security without fear of reprisal. His primary expectation is to conduct his work without facing constant intimidation, and he looks forward to a brighter future.