Ghanaians across the globe have registered some level of displeasure following the disgraceful acts witnessed in Parliament on Wednesday midnight by Parliamentarians. Unfortunate acts such as kicking ballot boxes positioned to elect the Speaker of Parliament, unprinted words by some aggrieved members of Parliament, members of the NDC decided to seat at the right side of the Speaker and claiming majority, dragging and snatching of ballot boxes between the NDC and NPP representatives and above all the invasion of the military in the Parliament Chamber are some of the regrettable drama series witnessed by those we voted to make laws on our behalf.
However, international relations and security expert, Francis Abugbilla, described the actions of these members of Parliament as unfortunate. According to the Security Expert, the ignorance of MPs would have put the country in more trouble if, they were senior military officers or anyone interested in a coup d’état inside the Parliament Chamber that very day. He told in an exclusive interview.
“First of all, the Constitution of Ghana is clear about the mandate of the different security forces where and when they can operate. So, with the military it is clear that they are supposed to protect and defend the territorial integrity of Ghana, that is what the Constitution says and not when it has to do with the internal disorder that the police service is mandated by the Constitution to be able to deal with . So, what happened in Parliament, the police were supposed to be called in, if the parliamentary marshals were not able to contain the disorder that was taking place in the Chamber and not the military as they did.”
“Yes, of course, they could have been called by the Minister for Defense as it has been alleged but, professionally they were not supposed to respond to a political call that was not within the jurisdiction or the mandate of that political influence to be able to tell them what they were supposed to do.”
“In Ghana, unfortunately, most of the things when politicians dictate to institutions that are supposed to be neutral, sometimes, they are inclined to serve the politicians or the political institutions over their core mandate and that is what we saw in Parliament.”
“Yes, it was a fertile ground in terms of staging a coup d’état. Basically the President was not in control; it was an activity that was supposed to elect the third most important person in Ghana. So, when the President and the Vice President are not there, the Speaker comes in as the acting President. So, it could have been a coup d’état in that, this was the person they were about to elect that the military came in.”
“I am not quite clear here whether, at that particular period, there was a political vacuum in terms of the Presidency because it was the Speaker who was supposed to be sworn in and he swears in the President and the Vice President. So, I am inclined to believe at that point the country didn’t have a President. So, that could be a moment where, if they were senior military officers or people who were interested in causing mayhem, they could shoot warning shots and declare that they have taken siege of the head of government at the time because, if the President and the Vice President were not in power, they would have succeeded.” He stressed. Chidozie Stephen
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