To the attention of all Heads of Departments/Units and Sub-Metros Directions that Management is aware that some STAFF and NABCO PERSONNEL have joined the 2021 Population and Housing Census Exercise in various vacancies as temporary office without prior approval by the Director.
It is imperative to note that Staff and NABCO Personnel who have involved themselves in the exercise would be declared as having VACATED POST and subsequent sanctions given thereof.
Management is hereby informed that every Head of Department/Unit and Sub met Doctor to compile list of all Staff and NABCO Personnel who have involved themselves in the exercise and present to the HR DEPARTMENT on or before Friday 11th June, 2021.
Consequently, all Heads of Departments/Units and Sub- Memo Directors are kindly informed to ask all STAFF and NABCO PERSONNEL engaged in the exercise to desist from the exercise in order to avert any consequential sanctions.