
Is NABCO extending the Career Pathways Registration or not? This is your answer


The Director in charge of Business Research and Skills Development at the Head office of the Nation Builders Corps (NABCO) Mubarak Bowan in an exclusive interview has told Ngamegbulam Chidozie Stephen of, that after the official Career Pathways registration on Saturday, December 5, 2020, a grace period of about 4 to 5 days will be given to beneficiaries who were unable to complete their registration due circumstances beyond their control before a mob up exercise.

“…initially with the complain that came which was due to load pressure, everybody was going on. So, what we decided to do was to stop the system and we now schedule them into batches. So the first batch was Enterprise Ghana, Heal Ghana, and Feed Ghana together, they had access last week to complete on Sunday and then Revenue Ghana started on Sunday finished on Tuesday and then Educate Ghana started Tuesday morning and they will finish Thursday morning and when they finish, Civic and Digitize Ghana will start and finish on Saturday.”

“…so, when they finished on Saturday, then we will look at the numbers and then, we give them another 4 to 5 days for all those who couldn’t finish for whatever reasons because we have had reports that some people were ill, some people travel to areas that didn’t have a network and stuff like that. So, we will then make up for a mob up period. But then, we will have about 80 to 85% to work with, So, once we are working on the 85% that have come through, the others can do the mob up when we finish, then we add them and we are through.” Chidozie Stephen
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