
Ghana Tops West Africa in World Economics Governance Index


According to the World Economics Research based in London, Ghana has been ranked the top West African country in terms of governance. Apexnewsgh reports

The country gained 61.7 points on the World Economics Governance Index, placing it in the 5th position on the African continent.

Mauritius ranked 1st in Africa, followed by Namibia, South Africa, Botswana, and Ghana. Globally, Denmark, Norway, Finland, New Zealand, and Sweden secured the top spots.

Switzerland, the Netherlands, Ireland, Luxembourg, Canada, Germany, Iceland, Estonia, Australia, and the United Kingdom also made the list. Ghana outranked countries like Argentina, Bulgaria, Malaysia, Brazil, and others.

World Economics assessed governance by looking at corruption perception, rule of law, press freedom, and political rights. The index gives equal weight to all these criteria to help investors assess risks in governance.

While Europe leads in good governance with 87% of countries rated as good, only 11% of African countries make the cut. Ghana’s rankings at 1st in West Africa, 5th in Africa, and 48th globally showcase its strong governance indicators.

Source: Apexnewsgh.com/Ghana

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Ngamegbulam C. S

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