
NABDAM: I am compelled to respond to Nawaane’s false assertions–Nabdam MP hopeful

Lawyer Lamtiig Apanga-- Nabdam MP hopeful

My attention has been drawn to a post by the MP for Nabdam using very unfortunate words to describe the manner in which I filed my nomination forms. I find the choice of words of my senior comrade who has been in parliament for almost 2 terms and has equally contested to be a member parliament in Dunkwa where he has invested his most of his expertise and resources but failed to make it until Nabdams honoured him to represent us in parliament, very unfortunate.

1. He said that I nicodemusly filed my nomination forms, which suggests that that I filed my forms in a manner that is unacceptable.
Let me put on record that I published on social media and to all stakeholders that I would file my nomination forms on 20th March, 2023 at 10am and I invited everyone to join me to do same. At 10a.m I was accompanied by senior members of my campaign team to the Constituency Party Office at Nangodi, where we were received by the Constituency Elections Committee who were fully present. We successfully filed our forms at 10:31a.m and we took photographs with the committee before left the party office.
The party office is a public place.
I filed my nomination forms in the presence of all members of the committee within the working hours of the period scheduled by the party for filing of nominations. How can this be described as nicodemus?

The smart decision we took by leaving to go to the party office ahead of our crowd to file my nomination forms left the MP unpleasantly, compelling him to question the chairman of the Elections Committee but we are not bothered.

2. The MP alleges that I was accompanied by a rented crowd made of suspected NPP members. I find this allegation to be a compliment since it is only a very good and attractive candidate who can attract people from other political parties to increase the fortunes of the NDC in the 2024 and guarantee a resounding victory for John Mahama as president and Lawyer Lamtiig as MP for Nabdam. Let me state clearly that the over 800 party supporters who joined me to tour the major streets of Nabdam did so voluntarily unlike the MP who sent his team to write the names of delegates who would accompany him to file his nomination with the promise that each delegate will receive ghc500 only to end up giving each delegate ghc100 and ghc10 to non-delegates. It is he who vowed to buy delegates with money even if it will mean spending dollars. Unfortunately his plans are failing him hence desperation has set in too early. We did not share money to anyone who joined us to file our nomination forms, they showed opened love to Lawyer Lamtiig due to my good works, message of love, humility, mutual respect and leadership ready to serve the best interest of Nabdams.

3. The MP described me as a pawn in a game of chess. This the 3rd time he has described me as such and I reject same. I have pledged to conduct a campaign devoid of insults and personal attacks, particularly because my parents trained me not insult people and I won’t disappoint them. The 4way test of my Rotary Club remains a strong virtue that guides my thought, words and actions. I still stand by these words
1. Is it the truth
2. Is it fair to all concerned
3. Will it build goodwill and better friendships
4. Will it be beneficial to all concerned

4. I will not spend much time on his false assertion that he had 400 delegates accompanying him to file his nomination forms. I understand how losing politicians peddle falsehood to deceive themselves yet in private conversations on the road from Tamale to Bolga they confessrd how difficult the pending primaries will be for them. Walls have ears. I’m sincere to report that out of the crowd of about 800 party supporters who accompanied me to file my nomination forms 278 delegates joined us and we have their names and phone numbers.

I have been compelled to respond to the publication by Nawaane to correct his rather false assertions in order to avoid the situation where my silence may be construed as an acquiescence!

As the motto of my secondary school (ST. THOMAS AQUINAS) says, Veritas Liberat, to wit Truth shall set you free and the motto of the Commonwealth Hall tells us: Truth stands, I remained guided.

Thank you
L. A. Apanga Esq

Source: Apexnewsgh.com/Ghana

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Ngamegbulam C. S

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